Balabala Reading Challenge: Master Post

Pic credit to Ra Arunima

Hello there!

This is a master post for Balabala Reading Challenge, a challenge that initiated by Ra and me, with theme chosen by the girls as well (Cell, Itano, Natsu, and ofc my lovely Aplen)

The challenge is to read as much as book as we can and to get out from our comfort zone. There are some theme that completely not our cup of tea, but we will try it anyway. Right, le? XD

The themes already written on the banner, I just wrote it again to help me track it later:

:books:Balabala Reading Challenge :books:

1. Books by Asian author (NO Indonesian)

2. Books with title starts with R

3. Books with ice cream on the cover

4. Books about special needs children

5. Books that written by South American author

6. Books with “library” on its title

7. Read Battle Royale. Yes, the challenge is to read Battle Royale

8. Books with horror theme
:dizzy: Satu Cermin Dua Bayang Bayang – Mira W

9. Classic books that once being banned for “inspiring crime”

10. Books with food theme
Days of Sugar and Spice – Loïc Clément

11. Books that has been or will be made to movie

12. Books with anti-hero as the protagonist

Feel free to join the challenge as well and I will do my best to share it here as well. Leave a comment with the link of your review/post, or DM me 🙂 Have fun, friends!


I’ve Done My Goodreads Challenge!


I’m super happy that I finally completed my own reading challenge this year.

First of all, yes, it’s way lower than most of my Goodreads’ friend target, as I only set target to read 24 books for a year. I once set goal to 100 but that was when I still actively being a book blogger, so, yes, ofc, I must set the bar hight, right?

Nowadays, I rarely could spare time to read a book. Well, correction, I chose to doing something else instead, like binge-watching Grey’s Anatomy, Big Bang Theory, and Brooklyn Nine-Nine. I still have NCIS, The Mentalist, Scrubs, and How I Met Your Mother on my waiting list, let’s see if I could make it next year XD

So anyway, read 24 books a year is already another achievement for me. And honestly, I just started constantly reading again thanks to Mira W. Eventho some of the stories made me wanna scream in protest, I enjoyed her writing style. She made me wanna keep on reading and back to writing again. Welp, am that cheesy, I know, can’t help.

Okay, back to the reading challenge. This year I also managed to finish it with no comic at all, by this far. I already borrowed my friend comic series, and planned to read it to complete my challenge, but apparently I do not need it. Yes, I’m so proud of my self! *insert I-Know Pup sticker here

To be fair, I was worried when setting the goal. Doesn’t it too low? Why don’t I challenge my self to read more?

Now I have completed it, I still feel good about my self and not feel bad, cause I not force my self to read more, just enjoying the reading itself.

Which reminds me of what my supervisor at work once said, not to burden our self with higher goal if it only frustated us.

Baby step is okay, as long you keep on walking. The point is not how further you could walk, but how the journey could make you be a better person.

So when you are there, reaching the point that you wanted to be, you are fully satisfied and proud of yourself.

What’s the point on being hard to yourself if it only weaken you and slowing you down to achieve your goal?

It’s still 29 December, still got time to add more books on the list. And oh, oh! I already purchased Kindle, thanks to awesome friends that I met on one of MMORPG game on Telegram.

If you wanna know what game is that, just click this after you installed Telegram app on your phone: Play with ME! Thank me later 😛

Next post might be about the Kindle and also more about my friends from that game.

In the meantime, how about you and or your reading challenge? Or perhaps you also have some 2019 resolution that you have achieved? Or still struggle in doing so? Please do share your stories with me 😀

Life might be not as easy as we wish it would be, but most of time it’s also not as hard as we see it.

Always choose to be happy, friends!


Hasil dari Keidean Readathon 3 Buku Mira W

Setelah lama tidak membaca buku, saya memutuskan untuk mencoba membaca lagi dengan cara membaca buku karya penulis favorit saya, Mira W.

Dan karena kebetulan kemarin saya sedang menunggu adik saya menyelesaikan revisi tesis yang ternyata tidak selesai juga, saya berhasil menyelesaikan tiga buah novel Mira W.

Yang pertama adalah, “Biarkan Kereta Itu Lewat, Arini”. Buku ini adalah lanjutan dari “Masih Ada Kereta yang akan Lewat” yang adalah salah satu buku kesukaan saya dari Mira W.

Sayangnya, saya malah merasa kecewa dengan karakter Nick yang saya harapkan lebih dewasa, malah kekanakkan banget walau yah, emang umurnya sih, ya.

Kedua, saya membaca “Di Balik Kabut Amnesia” dan juga tidak terlalu menyukai buku tersebut.

Ketiga, “Ketika Cinta Harus Memilih” yang benar-benar membuat saya jengkel.

Tidak, saya tidak sedang mengatakan bahwa saya tidak lagi menyukai Mira W.

Saya tetap menyukai gaya tulisan Mira W, dan juga masih menikmati novelnya. Hanya saja, kadang saya memang terlalu idealis atau punya pemikiran sendiri sehingga gak bisa menerima begitu saja hal-hal yang terjadi di buku tersebut.

Bahkan, dalam catatan yang lebih baik lagi, saya jadi bersemangat untuk membaca buku-buku lagi dan saya bahkan baru saja memulai lagi menulis sebuah cerita.

Bisa jadi ini ada hubungan dengan pengalaman pertama saya road trip dengan jarak yang cukup jauh, 500+ KM!

Tapi menurut saya itu tidak lepas dari pengaruh saya membaca buku Mira W, yang memicu semangat saya untuk membaca dan menulis lagi. Atau mungkin tepatnya, berdrama lagi? XD

Room Sweet Room

Hi, readers!

Sebenarnya sih, saya tipe orang yang mau baca di mana saja. Dulu juga saya lumayan rajin bawa buku buat dibaca di perjalanan. Tapi seiring berjalanannya waktu dan bertambahnya usia, saya jadi semakin jarang bawa buku.

Sempat menikmati baca e-book walau gak bertahan lama. Baca buku itu memang paling greget kalau buku fisik dan dilakukan di tempat yang nyaman buat kita.

Nah kebetulan, saat ini saya sedang menata kamar baru. Sebagai pecinta buku, saya juga berusaha membuat kamar saya jadi nyaman. Buat baca, nulis, melamun, dan tentunya tidur.

Tentu saja tips yang akan saya bagikan di sini gak terbatas hanya buat kamar tidur. Bisa juga kamu aplikasikan untuk perpustakaan mini di rumahmu 😉 Continue reading “Room Sweet Room”