Balabala Reading Challenge: Master Post

Pic credit to Ra Arunima

Hello there!

This is a master post for Balabala Reading Challenge, a challenge that initiated by Ra and me, with theme chosen by the girls as well (Cell, Itano, Natsu, and ofc my lovely Aplen)

The challenge is to read as much as book as we can and to get out from our comfort zone. There are some theme that completely not our cup of tea, but we will try it anyway. Right, le? XD

The themes already written on the banner, I just wrote it again to help me track it later:

:books:Balabala Reading Challenge :books:

1. Books by Asian author (NO Indonesian)

2. Books with title starts with R

3. Books with ice cream on the cover

4. Books about special needs children

5. Books that written by South American author

6. Books with “library” on its title

7. Read Battle Royale. Yes, the challenge is to read Battle Royale

8. Books with horror theme
:dizzy: Satu Cermin Dua Bayang Bayang – Mira W

9. Classic books that once being banned for “inspiring crime”

10. Books with food theme
Days of Sugar and Spice – Loïc Clément

11. Books that has been or will be made to movie

12. Books with anti-hero as the protagonist

Feel free to join the challenge as well and I will do my best to share it here as well. Leave a comment with the link of your review/post, or DM me 🙂 Have fun, friends!
